Pain relief through meditation

If a few decades ago physicians still have trouble finding painkillers, then the current consumer confusion, not knowing which ones to choose before too many painkillers are sold on the market.

Point worth mentioning is that the number of drug users but no information about the effect of causing dependence to the physician named "headache syndrome for lack of painkillers", the apparent relationship between drug abuse reduce patient pain and depression, hormonal disorder, diabetes typically, in the analgesia than 10 days in a month ... still in the minority!

Non-pharmacological pain relief

Not Analgesic medication is currently not obvious lack of painkillers. But it is more difficult to avoid the side effects of drugs! Evidence that the physician group in Germany, which is seen as kilns synthetic chemical drugs, has repeatedly fans for not taking measures as needed analgesic.

This is also why many physicians party priority is applied acupuncture to treat sciatica, arthritis, trauma software, peripheral neuropathy ... instead of the little openings for specific drugs. They must decide not only because of effective therapies but also by how the customer wants: Germany 70% of the patients required treatment method is safe, as few side effects as possible. At its origin form vice versa!

Not only physicians but many patients also want to quickly swipe regardless of the long term risks and benefits. Of course no one fun to do when it comes to medical examination by physicians in many places is like torture surcharge!

Well as side effects of chemical drugs that physicians in the United States based on the results of more visible studies in recent years have encouraged patients to actively learn the physician hand.

Researchers at the University of North Carolina have demonstrated pain reduction evident after three days of sitting meditation, each day a time not more than 20 minutes. Analgesic effect not only immediate but lasting no less effective type of strong painkillers. Besides, the advantage is obvious that the meditation instead of medication not stomach, not sleepy compared to the reaction Common painkillers.

Going further, chronic headaches can be reduced by more than half the dose after four weeks of meditation. Reduce means less medication side effects and drug money.

From recorded in effective treatment of musculoskeletal system and the nervous, physicians in Europe has strongly meditation methods applied in many treatment centers recovery of cardiovascular disease, cancer patients as well as the post of the anti-stress model.

The Japanese government must have had good reason to specified driver driving long distances to meditate before departure.

Specialist in Sport at the University of Cologne sure to have a solid scientific basis to bring meditation into training programs for professional athletes.

Having a scientific basis

If you think the reason why meditation is so effective similar beliefs or a placebo (placebo) is wrong. The research results with high technical level as the temperature method (thermogram), which assessed changes in the body of meditation showed this method completely scientific basis.

Meditation expert Ulrich Ott has defeated all doubt with selling publications in the top ten groups in Germany fuer Skeptiker Meditation (Meditation for unbelievers) with objective evidence of changes in the cerebral cortex after meditation, through which not only led nerve Business comes complete that even oxygen content in brain cells also increased.

Whether they disbelief must also recognize how much the thinking function, especially memory and judgment, are clearly improved after 5-10 days of meditation.

Nothing confusing about the effects of meditation when researchers discovered endogenous endorphins are released by the pituitary gland can be 10 times normal after sitting meditation. Having enough homeowners suffer this better, sleeping better and waking up with the most is feeling optimistic love life, love people. I do have any specific medication analgesics has recently increased disease resistance as endorphins? So does meditation have lost money!

On the basis of analyzing both Professor Edzard Ernst of Exeter University have even boldly promote the meditation methods as specific drugs in humans:

• Distribution lists for fear of individuality constant
• Blood pressure fluctuations due to the sympathetic nervous system disorders
• Insomnia after trauma dependent on painkillers

Who understands the need to win as well, the other provinces. It's not too hard to meditate. Do not spend complex technical information in accordance with the teachings of the obscure to borrow money meditation. Just sit back, temporarily setting aside everything aside and focus on no more than 10 minutes respiratory movements inhale exhale was meditating. Trouble in place only if there is enough energy to start from today and continue for several days after that!
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