Tension headaches are often the result of stress or bad posture, which cause a tightening of the muscles in the neck and scalp. Tension headaches usually last only a few hours, but some people may have persistent headaches that last for several days or weeks. Recurrent tension headaches often affect people with depression or those who are under continuous stress due to difficulties at work or at home. Tension headaches are often made worse by noise and hot, stuffy environments. This type of headache occurs most commonly in women over the age of 20.
What are the symptoms?
Symptoms often begin late in the morning or in the early afternoon and may persist for several hours. They include:
- Pain that is usually constant and may be throbbing. Pain is felt above the eyes or more generally over the head.
- Feeling of pressure behind the eyes.
- Tightening of neck muscles.
- feeling of tightness around the head. People who have persistent headaches often find it difficult to sleep. They may also become depressed and feel depleted of energy.
What can I do?
Taking an over-the-counter painkiller such as paracetamol may help to relieve a tension headache. However, the prolonged use of painkilling drugs may cause headache eventually. If you have a severe headache that lasts for more than 24 hours, does not response to self-help measures, or is associated with symptoms such as vomiting or blurred vision, consult hour doctor immediately.
What may the doctor do?
Your doctor will ask about the severity and frequency of your headaches and may look for sign of stress or depression. A diagnosis of tension headache is often clear from the symptoms, but you may need further tests, such as MRI or CT scanning of the brain, to check for an underlying cause.
Your doctor may recommend ways for you to deal with stress, such as yoga or relaxation exercises. If you are suffering from depression, he or she may prescribe anti-depression had been relieved, tension headaches usually clear up, but they may recur in the future.
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